
Showing posts from February, 2023


  PERSONALISED AND SELF-PACED LEARNING- IS THE FUTURE OF LEARNING? A student learns best when the Learning plan is based on keeping their interest in mind. The process of a teacher recognizing the strength of her/his students will help them learn faster and leave a deeper impact.     The best fallout after the COVID-19 is the adaptability of teachers to a technology driven learning platform to reach out to their students and ensure minimal learning gaps occur. This has also effectively promoted personized learning where individual pace, performance, personal development and, adaptive adjustments have played a major role. Earlier students with different learning styles and performance could marginally be addressed only through remedial classes but today technology helps the teacher to plan her/his teaching plan suiting the learner profile, competency-based progression, flexible and stress free learning environment. It has helped build learning communities of students with similar intere


NANO LEARNING- IS THE FUTURE OF LEARNING? We all stand at the cusp of the 4 th education revolution which harnesses the latest digital learning technologies and pedagogical research to enhance teaching, learning and, assessment. It is leading to a massive shift from the homogenized model of learning to personalize learning. Nano learning is actually one such programme which is designed to permit a participant to learn a given subject in a 10-minute timeframe, digitally at his or her own pace. This will be effective in classroom where we need to individuate learning and build concepts for the child. This is also helpful in fixing learning gaps and in reducing performance achievement decrement.  The best strategy that could be used for students, who might show an insurmountable learning gap, is the proposed Nano learning. The advantages of adopting this world cater to every teacher’s desire. Our biggest concern is how do we encourage students who are lagging behind to speed up with the


  CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING Critical thinking is to identify the opportunity within any situation. Thinking is a process that flows in our mind like blood in the body, sometimes we are so distracted in our thoughts that is causes apprehension. Thinking rationally and critically for stumbling blocks was and is the only course of action that led to historical decisions. Our thinking style decides our future. Do we like to compromise with problems or do we think critically and determine a creative solution for it? Aristotle once said, “ Need is the mother of Invention.”, but I say it is only true for those who are able to think critically enough to identify the opportunity within any situation to invent solutions that require a creative mindset. Today in our classrooms, Educators are practicing multiple educational models like Blooms Taxonomy, Maslow’s theory, Theory of Constructivism and many more within lesson plans to nurture the seeds of the generation. They say “Leaders are

Reaction and Response

🗺 World is a Mirror..!! Once there was a museum in which there was a room which was made of mirrors. Its wall, roof and even floor was made of mirrors. One day, care taker of that museum forgot to lock the back door of museum which lead directly to that mirror room. A dog was roaming near that museum and by mistake entered that room. When dog was in middle of room and saw its own reflection and thought of it as that a whole pack of dogs were surrounding him from all sides. Seeing this dog got scared and started to bark at reflections. Dog could see all the reflections barking at him in same way and because of mirror’s dog echo back after hitting at mirrors and got magnified. Frightened by it dog started to bark frantically. Next morning, when museum guard entered the hall, there he found lifeless body of dog. There was no one to harm that dog but yet it died fighting its own reflections. Moral : Everything around us is reflection of our own thoughts, feelings and actions. World acts l