Our Little Man Turns 2 Months Old!

        Our dear son, Sarvagy has reached his 2-month birthday yesterday! These past two months have been a wonderful whirlwind as we've adjusted to life as a family of three. We still remember the excitement and nervousness when we brought him home from the hospital. How tiny he looked in his car seat!

        We are so amazed at how much Sarvagy has grown and changed in such a short period of time. He has developed his own little personality and seems to have new abilities each day. From lifting his head steadily, to cooing and smiling, to grasping objects with his tiny hands - we celebrate each new milestone.

        While the sleepless nights can be tiring, each morning we are energized by his sweet smile and chubby cheeks when we go to get him from his crib. Our hearts melt with every little coo and gurgle he makes as he takes in the world around him with wide-eyed wonder. As first-time parents, we also want to thank our family and friends for their love, support, and hand-me-downs that have helped us navigate these early months.

        In two short months, this little man has become the light in our lives. We look forward to many more months and years watching him grow, supporting his development, and forging an unbreakable bond as a family.

Happy 2 months, our sweet boy! 

We love you more than you'll ever know. 


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